Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Barn

Whenever I ask my dear husband to fix something or make something for me he can't find the tool he needs. We can't walk in our garage because of all his stuff. He can't find anything. We have a camper that needs a home, a tractor, a boat that needs protecting, and a tool trailer, in addition to all his "things". He has been wanting and needing a barn since we moved here 6 years ago. Well, finally, he's got his posts in the ground. They are really like telephone posts. My son came over with a boom truck and a huge augur he borrowed from work and they worked on putting those posts in Friday evening and Saturday morning. I haven't seen my husband that happy in good while. He is going to get his BARN!! It is far from being finished, and I will submit posts as it comes along.

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