Thursday, March 7, 2013

Seed starting

I started some tomato, broccoli, cauliflower,pepper and eggplant seeds in early Jan. Some of the tomatoes were doing nicely, but March 2nd the temps went down to 26 degrees and I lost some of my creole and BN tomatoes. They were all in a little greenhouse I bought for $20 at Tractor Supply. I lost some of the peppers and the Amish paste tomatoes aren't looking too good. The broccoli and cauliflower and cabbage are just starting to sprout true leaves, but it is getting late to plant them. Need to start my seeds sooner next year and bring them in whtn temps are in the 30's. Last 2 night temps were in the middle 30's and I don't think my plants liked that cold. They looked really droopy. Probably stunted them. I have some tomato plants I bought at the Farmer's Market that are well on their way and still look good. Planting them this weekend or next. I have one BIG tomato plant with flowers already on it from the fruit stand ($4.00). Hope to have some early tomatos from that one. Will be planting corn and pole beans this weekend.
Baby chickens are coming along, growing feathers. I think I have 23. They need food twice a day and water every other day. Still under the heat lamp. Got them on Feb 11. Cat got 1 and 2 died. Dogs are really wanting to get them too.

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