Monday, May 2, 2011

Beans, Beans, and more Beans

After the rain Tuesday morning, I decided to go out to check on the garden. The corn was bent over the green beans and the rows were flooded with water. When I looked closely at the plants, I saw beaucoup beans. I couldn't just leave them there, so I start to pick a few...and it turned into a few more and then many more. I ended up picking 6 more pounds of them. Snapped them while watching TV that night. Wednesday I canned 6 quarts and 1 pint. Haven't tasted the canned ones yet, but I sure hope they taste as good as fresh. I wonder how many more pickings we will get from this go-round of beans. Still didn't pick any beets yet, maybe this weekend. Have a few squash on the vines and realized one must be a volunteer plant because it just came up in the middle of a row of spinach. The squash look like little green balls. I think I planted that kind a few years ago and it's just now germinating.
Also planted some moon vine seeds. That  is a beautiful flower. I sure hope they come up.
Guess I need to plant another round of squash this weekend too.

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