Tuesday, October 9, 2012


We started digging the peanuts we planted in June. It is probably a little early, they are very small.
We cleaned them up really good and boiled them in some salted seasoned water for about 2 1/2 hours.
They were very tasty....just didn't have enough. Maybe this weekend we'll try some more.
I bought more broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and brussel sprout plants last week and we got them in the ground last weekend. So far, they look pretty wilted, I sure hope they recover soon. The rye grass we planted as a cover crop was coming up really well and today when I checked, alot of it has died. Maybe too much rain at one time....so I guess we will reseed that too. Beets are spotty,so will replant those too. Plan to put in some spinach seeds this weekend also. Some of the cole crop seeds are spouting so that's encouraging. Weeds are growing the best of everything though.

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