Sunday, June 7, 2009

No eggs yet

We have lost several ( a lot) of chickens this past year to a predator or two. We don't know exactly what is getting them, but sometimes they just disappear and sometimes there is evidence left behind. I got 27 little chicks through the mail in March. At that time we still had about 4 grown hens and 2 ducks. We lost all the grown poultry and 10 little chicks to a predator since then. My husband decided it was time to fight back. He put chicken wire over all the top of the chicken yard.

We still have all our little chicks, except one unfortunate chick the dog, June, got when we weren't looking. She thought we were playing catch the chickens when my granddaughters were in the yard chasing them. It has occured to us she may be the predator, but I just can't bring myself to believe that. I need more proof!

The roosters are beginning to practice their crowing, sounding similar to an injured animal. and the hens are not interested one bit. We are waiting anxiously for the 1st egg from this batch of biddies. They probably won't start laying till August. That's when they will be 6 months old. The time is coming to entertain the thought of reducing the rooster population. I got a neat vintage chicken scale that we can use when we are deciding which to turn into dinner.

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