I spent the late afternoon last Friday weeding one little raised bed with squash and tomatoes in it. I thought if I weeded after a rain the weeds would come up easier. It almost killed me. Truth be told, I looked like a very happy bovine. Mud was all over me and I was sore all day Saturday. There is another raised bed that needs my attention, but.....I dunno....
The strawberries aren't doing too well this year either. We get a few every other day, but only a handful. I really need to work on getting those runners rooted. I don't know if I should cut them off and pot them or just make a hole in the black plastic mulch and try to root them still attached to the mother plant.
The green beans are growing very tall, but no flowers yet. They are surrounded by weeds also.
Same with the cukes.
Tomatoes are flowering and there are few green ones on the bushes. The bushes look good. They are planted on black plastic mulch, so weeds aren't a problem.
We have harvested our first 3 peppers. Dan thought they were banana peppers, but found out they must be hungarian wax. They were medium hot. My son, Danny loves them that way. The other peppers have flowers on them now.
There are flowers on the yellow squash planted in the raised bed. I think I saw some small ones coming along.
The potatoes were really slow coming up this year. They are flowering now. I think we must have planted them too late. I dug one up and it had teeny tiny potatoes on it the size of pea. Will have to wait to see how those turn out.
We planted some blackberry bushes this spring too. They had some fl
The blueberry bushes finally have some blueberries on them. I planted them 2 1/2 years ago. Last year they had 2 berries ann the birds got them. This year we must have maybe about 30 0r 40. I fertilized them with some Ammonium Sulfate. It's supposed to help them take up the nutrients they need and acidify the soil.
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