From time to time I try to hatch some baby chicks in my 2 little flying saucer incubators. I don't remember where I got them, I think it was off of ebay though. I have had them about 1 & 1/2 years now and have hatched 4 little chickens in them. Then we lost our rooster and had to wait for a new one to grow up before we could try again.
Here he is just starting to peck out of his shell, you can see on the right side of the egg.
Here are 2 other pictures of him shortly after he hatched.
He is still wet and has to stay in the incubator till he dries off.
Well .....here is our little Bo Peep, aptly named because he NEVER shuts up!.
He has got to be a rooster...only males need this much coddling! He is about 2 weeks old now and doing fine...his saucer mates didnt' fair so well.
We are trying again with some new eggs.
Hi Teal....please contact me with your address....you won the child's apron from last week's Pink Saturday on my blog.
Hi Beverly,
Thanks!!! I am thrilled.
Can't wait to get the apron...
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