Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Little Bo Peep

From time to time I try to hatch some baby chicks in my 2 little flying saucer incubators. I don't remember where I got them, I think it was off of ebay though. I have had them about 1 & 1/2 years now and have hatched 4 little chickens in them. Then we lost our rooster and had to wait for a new one to grow up before we could try again.

Here he is just starting to peck out of his shell, you can see on the right side of the egg.

Here are 2 other pictures of him shortly after he hatched.

He is still wet and has to stay in the incubator till he dries off.

Well is our little Bo Peep, aptly named because he NEVER shuts up!.

He has got to be a rooster...only males need this much coddling! He is about 2 weeks old now and doing fine...his saucer mates didnt' fair so well.

We are trying again with some new eggs.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Halloween Decorations

I spent Monday and Tuesday evening blowing off and mopping the front porch because it hadn't been done since the hurricane and it REALLY needed it. Of course Yankee & June Bug(our 2 big dogs) and Wendy and Little Joe (our 2 cats) could have contributed some of the mess. Seems they really like to muddy up the place and make it more homey. I don't know how others with big front porches keep them so clean! Any tips greatly appreciated :)

Saturday we picked up some bales of hay and Sunday I finally got around to getting some Halloween decorations on the front porch. Though probably no one will see them but me and Dan, I still enjoy celebrating the season.

When I was a child this was one of my favorite holidays. My siblings and I would go house to house in our neighborhood with our paper sacks singing"Trick or Treat". We never dreamed of tricking anyone or, God forbid, someone purposefully altering our treats. Times sure have changed, sometimes for the worse.

I really like this witch made from a gourd. Isn't she cute. Maybe I can make some like her if I can get some gourds to grow next summer.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Survived Hurricane Gustav

We survived the Hurricane of 2008 with little damage to our house. My daughter did not fair as well though. Her house flooded with 6 inches of water from all the rain. They didn't have elec for a week and they are now living in our travel trailer parked in their driveway. They are slowly getting things fixed up and repainted.
We had a few trees fall in our yard, but not on our house, thank the Lord. We had 6 adults and 5 children staying at our house after the storm. We didn't have electricity for about 10 days. After the 3rd day with no elec, the girls decided to head out to Florida and stay with my son and his wife and children. They were great! We stayed with them about 4 days till my children here in LA had elec. Then we came home.
There was so much devestation in our area, mostly roof damage and trees down. The news is saying this is the worst storm to hit our area since they have been keeping records. We were blessed that Ike didn't come our way, but are sorry for the folks it did hit.
We still haven't finished cleaning up from Gustav. My MIL has been staying with us since her heart surgery. She has been here almost 4 weeks now. My husband, since he is a carpenter has been helping everyone except us! This weekend was the first weekend since Sept 1 that we have been home all weekend together. That's all for this post.