Sunday, January 26, 2025

Wow!!! Over 10 years since my last post

 I can’t believe all these years have passed. I am now retired for 10 years and I don’t know where they went


We had 7.5 inches of snow on January 21; 2025. That’s unheard of in Louisiana. It stayed on the ground for 2 days. I enjoyed it from inside my warm house…too old for that much fun. 
My grandchildren built this snowman. So much fun .finally getting back into a rhythm after the holidays. Had my family over for our monthly Sunday dinner to celebrate all the January birthdays. We served roast, rice and gravy, carrots, and turnip greens. Cake for dessert.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend Update

We moved the chickens out to the chicken yard. They are in 2 separate brooder boxes, (11 in each). I have one inside nursing a torn wing...I think the other chicks were pecking her and she was bleeding. Looks like her wing will be permenantly disfigured. I named her chicken wing. She was doing much better Sunday night. Dan planted some of the larger tomato plants that we bought. The ones I seeded are not quite ready. Some of them still don't have real leaves yet. There are lots of broccoli and cauliflower and cabbage plants to put in , but I don't know if it's getting too late for them. I seeded them in Jan, but they are just starting to take off with new real leaves.
We had the chickens out in the yard yesterday and the dogs inside so they wouldn't get the chickens. We heard the dogs making a commotion trying to get out to the chickens and all of sudden we see June flying through the kitchen window. The window was open and she decided to charge through the screen . It was so funny....but screen is broken now. Thankfully we caught her before she got a chicken! Got a good rain last night and this morning. The bush beans are planted too.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Seed starting

I started some tomato, broccoli, cauliflower,pepper and eggplant seeds in early Jan. Some of the tomatoes were doing nicely, but March 2nd the temps went down to 26 degrees and I lost some of my creole and BN tomatoes. They were all in a little greenhouse I bought for $20 at Tractor Supply. I lost some of the peppers and the Amish paste tomatoes aren't looking too good. The broccoli and cauliflower and cabbage are just starting to sprout true leaves, but it is getting late to plant them. Need to start my seeds sooner next year and bring them in whtn temps are in the 30's. Last 2 night temps were in the middle 30's and I don't think my plants liked that cold. They looked really droopy. Probably stunted them. I have some tomato plants I bought at the Farmer's Market that are well on their way and still look good. Planting them this weekend or next. I have one BIG tomato plant with flowers already on it from the fruit stand ($4.00). Hope to have some early tomatos from that one. Will be planting corn and pole beans this weekend.
Baby chickens are coming along, growing feathers. I think I have 23. They need food twice a day and water every other day. Still under the heat lamp. Got them on Feb 11. Cat got 1 and 2 died. Dogs are really wanting to get them too.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


We started digging the peanuts we planted in June. It is probably a little early, they are very small.
We cleaned them up really good and boiled them in some salted seasoned water for about 2 1/2 hours.
They were very tasty....just didn't have enough. Maybe this weekend we'll try some more.
I bought more broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and brussel sprout plants last week and we got them in the ground last weekend. So far, they look pretty wilted, I sure hope they recover soon. The rye grass we planted as a cover crop was coming up really well and today when I checked, alot of it has died. Maybe too much rain at one I guess we will reseed that too. Beets are spotty,so will replant those too. Plan to put in some spinach seeds this weekend also. Some of the cole crop seeds are spouting so that's encouraging. Weeds are growing the best of everything though.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Garden Planted update

Well, apparently we have a rabbit in our garden! All of my broccoli plants and most of my caulifower plants are history. Something (a rabbit maybe???) ate them. Very disappointed... I don't know whether to buy some more plants and replant or just see if any seeds come up. I hate to waste money and treat that rabbit to another feast.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fall Garden Planted

We got the fall plants and seeds in the garden this past weekend. Planted some broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and brussel sprout transplants and seeds. Also planted seeds for mustard greens, turnips, snow peas, spinach, and beets. Envisioning a bountiful fall garden, hope springs eternal!! We also planted half the garden with winter rye grass hoping to keep some of the weeds at bay. I had a truckload of horse manure delivered and after seeing it decided to let it overwinter and age before tilling it into the garden. Plans are to tear down the existing chicken house and build a new, better orientated one that is easier to get into to clean. Got a nice rain the day after planting, so hopfully the plants and seeds get off to a great start!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Magnolia and Gardenia blooms

It's springtime in Louisiana and the beautiful state tree is blooming. If you have never smelled a magnolia bloom you are missing a sweet part of heaven on earth. The blooms are large and very fragrant. The downside is they don't last long after you pick them off the tree..maybe a day. But for that day, they are sweet and intoxicating, filling the whole room with wonderful fragrance.

Gardenias are similar in smell  and just as delicate a flower as the magnolia. It too turns brown all too soon once picked. But the fragrance it brings to the room is worth the sacrifice of losing a few flowers off the bush. This is the first year my bush really bloomed and it must have about 30 flowers on it waiting to pop out. In an effort to make the flowers last longer this time I smashed the stems with a hammer so they could take up more water. I'll see if this helped any.