Yesterday I spent 12 hours in the kitchen. I made and canned tomato sauce, shelled and froze purple hull peas, froze green beans and lima beans, and baked a ham. Husband picked plenty of banana peppers and I was going to try to pickle them, but I just couldn't muster the strenght and it was already 8:00 p.m. I brought them to work today for my coworkers to enjoy.
The garden has pretty much gone to weeds, we are having a really hot summer, heat indices in the 100s. It rained abundantly from the end of last month through the 1st part of this month. That got the weeds off to a good start, since we couldn't get into the garden and pull them without sinking into the mud. The squash bugs are decimating the tomatoes with their greedy little sucking activities.
We have picked about 10 canatloupe so far and 2 watermelons. I don't think the lima beans are doing very well, but the squash is still producing.
I guess it's time to start \planning our fall and winter garden.