Saturday, June 14, 2008

Pickles, Pickles, Pickles


Well summer is definetly here in Louisiana. The temperatures have been in the 90's for about 3 weeks now. The humidty is very high also, making it almost unbearable to be outside during the middle of the day.

I have been busy picking, canning and freezing vegetables from our garden, not to mention eating them! Oh, don't let me forget pickling....and pickling and pickling. I made some sweet gherkin, cucumber sandwich, kosher dill, and bread and butter pickles. The first two were recipes in the Ball Blue Book.

I haven't tasted them yet, since you are supposed to wait 4 to 6 weeks for them to cure. For the 1st time ever I am trying to process some cukes in brine to make pickles later, so far so good. This weekend I hope to make some Icicle pickles, also from the Ball Blue book. They have been soaking for a week now.